Marketing Magazine Publisher

Want your products and brand being known by more people, want to promote your sales record and earn more? Yes, publish your marketing magazine will help your mostly achieve this. Make a wonderful and engaging product catalog, present all details of your products, publish to the web and let more people know!

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What’s Flip PDF Plus?

Flip PDF Plus is a technical marketing magazine publisher, which can be operated easily and quickly in several minutes. With this software, one can turn his/her motionless files into acrobatic real-life ebooks.

The users need to operate with three steps: input original files, edit pages in page edit interface, input flipbook with proper format. For the marketing, branding and customizable are up for the strategy: you can initiate to customize the toolbar with brand logo to help form brand awareness in reader’s mind, or you can make use of the pre-designed templates to create a comfortable environment. Furthermore, Flip PDF Plus carried with Google Analytics function, users can embed their google account into flipbook and track with readers’ behavior. After checking the collected data on google backstage, users gain a way to know the reader source, their like and dislike habit while reading. Using this data, users can formulate a better market plan, and improve a more attractive digital magazine.
