Create A Memorable Yearbook on Mac

Mac yearbook maker Flip PDF Plus makes it possible for anyone to make their unique yearbooks quickly. These customized yearbooks are a great way to preserve memories, photos and stories to share with family and friends.

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What is Flip PDF Plus?

Flip PDF Plus is a yearbook maker For Mac helping you to relive your precious memories by creating fantastic yearbooks. Whether you are creating a school life yearbook, a military book, or a camp memory book, you can find everything you need for every occasion. From templates, layouts, design effects, rich media to libraries of clip art, you can have complete creative control to generate a fantastic unique yearbook.

  • Fonts: Apply different fonts to diversify captions.
  • Templates: A number of well-designed templates are provided for a beautiful outlook.
  • Layout tools: Rulers, grid and alignment tools assure you of a perfect layout.
  • Design effects: Customize photos by enabling highlight effects, animations, drop shadow, transparency and more.
  • Interactive media: Inject life to your yearbook with links, photo slideshow, SWF, audio and video clips.
  • Image resource library: A wide range of images can be used to decorate pages.