Mobile Magazine Pubilshing Tool

Publish Unlimited Rich Media, Mobile Friendly Digital Magazines from PDFs.

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With the advancement of techs, people in the globe now are plunging into the trend of mobile devices. More and more people now are addicted to mobile devices instead of PC not only because using mobile tablets is so that fashionable, but because tablets allow them to access to resources and information at anywhere and anytime. For digital publishers, the prosperity of mobile devices can exactly bring them numerous commercial opportunities. As the population of using mobile devices is getting larger and larger, digital publications on mobile devices as marketing tools can exactly help’em achieve tremendous commercial engagements. To try to help digital publishers, we initiated flipbulider, the professional digital publication making program which has won huge credits among digital publishers.

FlipBuilder is based on cutting edge techs.

FlipBuilder allows users to choose various different kinds of outputting formats according to their likes. Flash is for PC reader, and HTML5 for mobile readers (HTML5 is also friendly to PC). You publications on mobile devices can be hugely interactive with vivid page turning animation and can effectively inspire shop behavior.


Offline read a local digital magazine on your mobile devices.

After having created a magazine as HTML5, you may use an USB and put it on your IPAD or other tablets and offline read a local digital magazine. The mesmerizing page turning magazine can exactly bring readers a sense of pleasure and people would love so much to do readings on mobile devices ever since.

Allow readers to online reach your publications on mobile devices.

Want to enable your digital publication to reach people in every corner in the world? No tough job! You may simply use our cloud hosting service to online publish your creation. Online publishing will be of default HTML5 format So mobile users can easily reach your publication. After several books being published, you can even create a digital book shelf and online manage your books.


Mobile publishing brings huge commercial boon!

Mobile publishing greatly contributes to the increase of your business orders. With the rising number of mobile users, mobile platform is definitely a new channel to market your products or services. Compared with traditional marketing channels, publishing e-books on mobile devices can be much more cost saving while having huge marketing efficiencies.